
Shamanic Practitioner and Arts Counsellor

Weaving shamanism and creativity.

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“Don’t be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth.” ― Jalaluddin Rumi, The Essential Rumi.


Ali Rabjohns, Shamanic Practitioner, Tribal Earth 2016.

I want to share how creativity has helped me to weave in between my shamanic and creative practice. Of course, shamanism has been closely linked with creativity for thousands of years.

Artists, poets and musicians are able to switch off to the outside world, so that they can listen to their inner ears and eyes. These were our first shaman!.

The one constant element that still inspires my artistic practice is my own connection to nature. It has been a subtle, slow process helping my artwork to evolve. I use a shamanic and  therapeutic approach towards felting and watercolour painting, in order to create my own sacred space. Whether it’s macro or micro vision, nature in all it’s forms and seasons speak to me through my own experience of them. 


Nuno Felted Coat by Ali Rabjohns. Tailoring: Sandra Ventris. Photos: Ruthie Martin. Model: Holly Rabjohns.
Nuno Felted Coat by Ali Rabjohns. Tailoring: Sandra Ventris. Photos: Ruthie Martin. Model: Holly Rabjohns.

My aim is to express my experience of ‘Walking between the Worlds’ like a shaman. Through my creative experience of shamanism and previous travels to Peru, I enjoy using my shamanic skills and my drum to help me to journey to the roots of those painful and joyous moments I’ve experienced in this sacred gift called life. Then, when these roots have been uncovered, they can start to emerge in my art work.

I gain clarity and nourishment from what some people call ‘The invisible realms’ and I enjoy watching these worlds of the unconscious and conscious arrive in my artwork.  It takes a certain level of trust and courage to do this but that’s the wonderful thing about felt or painting, I’m never quite sure how it’s going to turn out!. Some experiences are unconscious and mysterious, needing further unravelling through sketchbook work, journaling and pieces of art.




Creative, Group Flower Ceremony with Earthkeepers. Summer Solstice, 2015.

What I enjoy most is creating special places outside with textiles and natural materials, places that connect to the elements and honour our cultural heritage. I enjoy listening to the rhythms of the natural world and using art to take ourselves inwards or help us to connect to all that is, to the stars and to the seeds of the universe that live within us and that we live within.






Yurt Blessing. Wild Star Gathering. Stanmer Park, Brighton, 2012. Photos: Graeme Telford .

When we create something we have seen on a shamanic journey, during a healing session or a ceremony, we are honouring the part of ourselves which needs to come back into balance. A very important part of my creative practice or ethos is the theme of sustainability. I prefer using natural materials and dyes, wherever possible – walking softly on the earth and leaving the smallest footprint I can for our children’s children.







Butterfly drum design onto deerskin.

I often start with an intention: honouring, singing and drumming, making offerings to the four directions. Sometimes I take a medicine walk. In my next blog I will talk more about the different ways you can connect to my creativity and spirit. Shamanism helps us to find the treasures in an unseen world, gifts that we can bring into the real world, at the same time honouring our creativity and power.

“Creativity takes courage. ” ― Henri Matisse

Find out more about my work on my website feltgoodfeltfine .

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