
Shamanic Practitioner and Arts Counsellor

Raising our consciousness with the Munay Ki.

butterflies captured in the moonlightI’m going to introduce these beautiful rites here so that you can see their infinite potential. Each person I give these rites to, takes a new path in some way in their lives and allow this to unfold in their consciousness with beauty and grace. We never know how these seeds of light will manifest and that’s the beauty of this work. I hope I have inspired you to find out more about this path of transformation.


In order to discover who we are as well as where we are, self discipline is essential, because without it we cannot progress.


Foundation Rites

         The Healers Rite: Launches our healing journey and activates your healing power. Connects you to a lineage of Earthkeepers from the past that come to assist you in your personal healing. We have tremendous spiritual assistance available to us if we ask. These luminous beings work on us during our meditation and sleep time to heal the wounds of our past and of our ancestors.

         The Bands of Power: Protections, these consist of five energetic bands representing earth, fire , water and pure light. These bands are installed in your luminous energy field and act as filters, breaking down into one of the five elements any heavy energy that comes your way – so that these energies can feed you instead of weighing you down or making you ill. They replace any psychological or emotional protection you may have had to put into place during your lifetime or in previous lifetimes.

         The Harmony Rites: Connect you to the organising principles of the universe, which are 7 archetypes from each tradition. There’s 1 for each chakra: serpent, jaguar, humming bird, eagle and then 3 “archangels” go into the upper chakras.

There’s Huascar Inca – keeper of the lower world and the unconscious who goes into the throat; Quetzacotl – the feathered serpent, god of the Americas and keeper of the middle world (our waking world) goes into our brow and Pachakuti – protector of the upper world (and super consciousness), keeper of time – goes into our crown. These archetypes are transmitted as seeds and germinate with fire. You have to perform a number of fire meditations to help them to grow. Afterwards, they help to combust the psychic sludge that has built up in your chakras – so that they can shine with their original light as you acquire a rainbow body.

         The Seers Rites: Awakens the Seer within; re-wires perceptual centres. This installs filaments of light extending from your visual cortex in the back of your head to your third eye and heart chakras. It awakens your perception of the invisible worlds. It really helped me to perceive the world of energy around me more clearly.

The Lineage Rites

         Daykeepers Rite: This brings healing and beauty from the ancient stone altars from around the world. Helping you to call on the power of these ancient places to heal and bring balance to the world. This connects you to a lineage of earth keepers from the past. They were generally women and knowledgable about the ways of the feminine earth, herbalism and midwifery. They bring about the healing of your inner feminine, helping you to step beyond fear and practice peace.

         The Wisdom keepers Rite: This rite teaches us to bring wisdom and joy. It eliminates suffering. The job of the wisdom keeper is to protect the medicine teachings and share them with others when appropriate. This rite helps you to step outside of time and to taste infinity.

         The Earthkeepers Rite: This rite connects you to a lineage of archangels that are guardians of our galaxy. They’re reputed to have human form and be as tall as trees. They hold stewardship of entire earth and help us to become peace. They are called upon to bring balance and healing to any situation. The rite of the earth keeper helps you to learn the ways of the Seer and dream the world into being.

     .     Rites of the Time to Come.

    • The Starkeeper rites : This Rite downloads the final codes for the new human into the luminous energy field. It anchors you in the future NOW. According to lore, your physical body begins to evolve into that of Homo Luminous. The ageing process is slowed down and illnesses are processed more at an energetic level. The Starkeepers Rite attunes us to a high frequency of star energy, so that we can communicate with the stars at a very deep level.
    • In essence – these rites haven’t changed for thousands of years.

The 5 Principles of the MUNAY KI 

  • Non Violence
  • Truthfulness
  • Integrity
  • Moderation
  • Generosity

I offer 1:1 consultations and groups to share these beautiful rites. Contact me for more details.

May you fly with beauty.

For all our relations.

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